Recently I have been getting a couple skin compliments from strangers which is always quite pleasant so I thought I would share my skincare routine! I will admit my skin is much improved from what it used to be. I am quite oily and acne prone but the acne is finally clearing up! That is thanks to these two products given to me by my dermatologist. I use one in the morning and one at night. I love them because they use benzoyl peroxide instead of salicyclic acid which I am allergic to. However I think a lot if my skin success is due to how particular I am about the routine. I can't skip it even if it's late at night. It's a compulsion.
I try to use one of these masks once a week. I really like the results! They do a great job and getting rid of impurities.
And here's some products I use regularly! The first two are my daily cleanser and moisturizer. I am in love with the cleanser but could use a new moisturizer. This one isn't super rich and moisturizing like my skin needs. I also try to use that scrub every few days or when my skin feels super oily! I hope this helped someone out in cyberspace. Xoxo Katie