I have to start this post with a little bit of background on me. For the past five months I have had a job in retail and the lessons I've learned from it could take up several posts themselves. My whole purpose of doing so was to get involved in that industry and gain the skills and experience I would need for a future career in fashion. This sounds very college application-y, because it is. I probably phrased it that same way, but it really is true. Every day I'm not there for the paycheck. I'm there to learn and grow, as well as help customers in any way possible. (Tonight I put together something so cute and my customer was thrilled. I think it may make me happier than it makes them.) My attitude at work every day is that with every minute and every folded shirt I am one small step closer to my dreams. However, I have learned so much more than just about retail. One of the things that has affected me the most is being up at register. It's like speed dating. You get a few minutes to have a quick conversation with someone and you have to present yourself in the best way possible. The customer, on the other hand, has no obligation to be nice to you whatsoever. This is where the part about how to be pretty comes in.
Being pretty, attractive, beautiful or whatever adjective you want to use has absolutely nothing to do with your physical appearance. One half is kindness, and the other half is confidence. I cannot state this any more explicitly.
Kindness is something I feel like I've always strived for. I want to be as nice as possible in every situation. It's hard when you're tired or you have something going on. No one is a kind saint all the time. But a few words of gratitiude to your cashier can make their entire day. Every little word has impact. Do not take your anger out on people that do not deserve it. There is truly nothing more attractive than putting others before yourself and considering the other person.
Confidence is also so important. Smiles, eye contact..what is kindness when you can't properly express it? I know this is a battle for a lot of people, myself included. But the less-physically-attractive person who is making conversation with me is far more attractive than the wallflower. This stings me a little, being shy. I think it's really about just being sure of yourself. So as much as my blog is about fashion and makeup and physical things, none of it matters. These things are not your true beauty. Read all of this for fun and try not to take it too seriously. This is a lesson that I've learned that I hope gets through to others. Xoxo Katie